
crochet rainbow joy

Recently, my mother in law taught me the age old craft crocheting. I'm still in the process of mastering the art of the granny square, but I have been thoroughly enjoying the challenge. This recent bout of crocheting reminded me that I had inherited a wonderful, huge, rainbow coloured crochet blanket that my grandma had made. The shots above are details of this very blanket. xx 

bows for the ladies

You may recall a post a while back where I talked about the amazing vintage mens bow-ties available at forage (previous post here), well I just discovered that are now doing a range of women's bow-ties! Personally, I think these bows would be best suited as a hair accessory. Nobody can deny that bows are good. And moreover, amazingly coloured tartan bows are even better. xx

Images via forage

balloon amazingness

Remember when balloons used to just be the crappy ones that your mum would buy in packs of 100 from Woolies and you would blow them all up individually and hang them from your front gate so that all your guests would know where the party was at? Well times have changed. Balloons now arrive at your door full of helium with awesome metallic tassels and coloured streamers dripping from them (but only in america). amazing. xx

Images via Geronmio Balloon Troopers

a love story

Randomly enough, after yesterday's post about a backyard drive-in movie party, I stumbled upon these delightful wedding invitations via swiss cottage design. I love these movie themed invitations and ticket themed escort cards. Also love the yellow stripe and dusty blue text. xx

a drive-in movie in your backyard

Over at Design*Sponge, they are always showing lots of inspiring makeovers and events. This backyard  drive-in party really took my fancy though. Just hoist an old white sheet up in your back yard, borrow a projector and some quilts and pillows, and there you have it - pretty much the perfect vintage party of all time, complete with red striped paper straws and popcorn. xx

a google image search

This is what happens if you type in "vintage party" into google image search. I think it's pretty rad. xx
Image found here

flowers and paintings

Jamie keeps on telling me that this is not a blog about flowers, but a blog about crockery.... and I know that he's right, but some thing's are just not so black and white. I just couldn't resist posting this image from oncewed. I just love love love it. Nothing more to be said. xx

not just for eating from..

In my ever growing obsession with vintage crockery, i stumbled upon this amazing wall collage comprised of vintage plates. It is amazing. Sadly, I cannot find for the life of me where i have sourced this image, so to the owner of this incredible shot, I'm sorry that I have not credited you correctly, but thankyou for sharing in cyberspace, this pretty idea. xx

in the garden

I love this image of jenny and luc's garden wedding ceremony via feather love photography. It's just so whimsical and feels as though a page has been torn from a storybook. Amazing. xx
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